Why zoom yoga if you’re all zoomed out?
zoom yoga, yoga practice, samskara, kleishas, work habits Christine Stump zoom yoga, yoga practice, samskara, kleishas, work habits Christine Stump

Why zoom yoga if you’re all zoomed out?

“You will reset your relationship to zoom. Yoga is all about rerouting our habit grooves, aka samskara. The best way to re-wire a habit is to create a new one. Zoom work/happy hour has a way of reinforcing a lot of sedentary patterns. Sitting, arms in front, maybe head a little forward seeking to connect with the screen. We start skipping the once an hour break we know makes us feel better because we’re “in the zone” or just can’t break away. We stop looking out the windows or simply away from the screen. Our worlds become a little smaller even though we’re connecting far and wide because our embodied habit range becomes more limited.

When you incorporate some yoga into your zoom routine, you’re more likely to remember to look away from the screen every half hour and physically stand up every hour. When you participate in yoga, you hear another person breathing “

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