Winterize Your Yoga Practice

Winterize Your Yoga Practice

5 Tips for Winterizing Your Yoga Practice

  1. Yoga between 6am and 10am and practice in a warming fashion: Exert early. This doesn’t necessarily mean HIIT - though it could, in conjunction with an engaged practice. Doing it during this time, takes advantage of the times of day the body is in “build” mode. Daniel Pink in his acclaimed book When: the scientific secrets of perfect timing acknowledges that timing can make all the difference. Use it to your advantage.

  2. Wake before or with the sun: This will help you reset your rhythm so it’s natural to be asleep at 10pm. Aligning your habits with circadian rhythms helps the immune system function properly and be ready to clear out the trash (non-functioning cells) at the time of night your organs are ready for the work. Creating rituals helps your habits stick.

  3. If you can’t yoga early, make it half and half: You need to exert during these months more than ever, your body needs this to keep muscles balanced, to keep fascia mobile and bones strong. But if you’re yogaing after 4-5 in the evening, make the first half the warming, even sweaty part. In the second half, scale it down, moving toward yin or restorative, adding in cooling breaths, longer savanna and meditation. Your sleep with thank you.

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Principles of Healing Movement -brought to you by yoga
10 Benefits of Zoom Virtual Yoga Class

10 Benefits of Zoom Virtual Yoga Class

“More yoga every week. It’s not just the lack of commute (see below), but classes can be offered - and people actually come! - at times that aren’t practical in studio. 6am yoga classes are wayyyyy easier for everyone if they’re close to your coffee maker and the shower. 8pm bedtime classes are way more effective when you don’t have to drive home afterward.

The recordings are recordings of practices you may have actually experienced in person, designed with you (and others) in mind. That class that left you feeling just so amazing? You can have it again….”

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What make a Badlands Healing Yoga Practice different?

What make a Badlands Healing Yoga Practice different?

“Your guide comes with a plan and your guide will alter the plan depending on what you choose to share. Classes are very intentionally small, so we can offer at least one technique - posture, breath, flow, image, meditation - chosen for each person. It may be something the guide had already planned for that they surmise would be just the ticket or they might replace part of their plan to illuminate something helpful for you. Modifications will be offered and alternatives suggested along with the reminder that everything is optional and questions are encouraged. “

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What is Healing Yoga

What is Healing Yoga

“The mechanisms that allow yoga to remove these obstacles to healing, transforming us and our very desires slowly, over time, are what make yoga different than a “work out.” Together they have enormous transformative capacity.”

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